Welcome to Kelowna! The Okanagan Chefs Assoication is honoured to be hosting the 2025 CF Western Conference.
TO BOOK YOUR STAY: Host Hotel: Manteo at Eldorado Resort 3762 Lakeshore Rd, Kelowna, BC V1W 3L4 Rates start at $165/night CLICK HERE TO BOOK OR Call Reservations Department at 250-860-1031 ext.1103 or email reservations@eldoradoresort.ca. To ensure the special rate quoted above please identify themselves as a participant attending the Okanagan Chefs Association Conference during time of booking. Please note all resort fees have been waived for our group ($30). Ignore that as it is auto generated confirmation email. TO REGISTER: RSVP BELOW All other information including itinerary, dress code and events can be found HERE |