Par Culinary Federation le Mercredi 18 Mars 2020
Catégorie: President's Message

March 17, 2020


Dear CF members, colleagues and friends,

As the world reacts and responds to COVID-19, we are contacting you to share some important updates. Community health and safety is our highest priority, and with many communities issuing alerts, restrictions, and emergency declarations, it became clear to the National Board of Directors that we could no longer proceed with the timing of our upcoming National Conference in Saskatoon.

As such, we have made the significant decision of re-scheduling the conference in the interest of our member's health and safety, with a new date to be determined within the next few weeks. Once the date is published, we will be in touch to communicate next steps regarding registration, hotel bookings, refunds (if you are unable to attend), etc

We realize that the cancellation of public gatherings and events globally has a significant impact on our community. Despite that, we strongly encourage all culinary community/industry members to consider adopting protective health measures that mitigate the spread of the virus, including the postponement of upcoming branch events, working from home where able, and the adoption of social distancing techniques until further notice by municipal/federal officials in your respective area.

Finally, we encourage our community to stay calm and connected during this trying time and to consider creative ways to continue to support the culinary community. As Western VP Chef Jeremy Luypen shared earlier today, please take a moment to think about the Food Bank as our businesses slow down and we have food that isn't being used. With food flying off shelves less and less is going to the Food Bank. The people that use these services do not have the means to stock up, if you have the means to help, please do so.

Please note our physical office will be closed for at least the next 3 weeks, so Lisa will be working from home with a slightly more flexible schedule, and can be reached at Feel free to reach out to us, and most importantly, be safe and healthy.

Donald A. Gyurkovits

Interim President, Culinary Federation 

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